Ted here! I’ll be leading a Beginner Gardening workshop at the Memphis Mushroom Festival on Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023 from 10:30 – 12:30. The web is full of resources for gardeners–so much so that it can be overwhelming. Here are a few that I find really useful:
What to plant (based on your area):
Baker Creek Seed Co. (mostly veggies)
TN Nursery (Fruit trees)
Oak Hill Community Nursery (Shameless self-promotion)
Wild Ones Mid-South Chapter (Native plant resources)
When to plant:
For veggies, see the Urban Farmer planting calendars—look for Memphis in Zone 8.
For perennials, including trees, the best time to plant is usually early Fall or early Spring. The worst time is usually mid-summer.
Plant garlic in the fall—after Labor Day but before Halloween.
How to plant:
Planning for Square Foot Gardening
How to make more plants:
Propagating plants from cuttings
Cheap Garden Hacks:
Seed library (Memphis)