…aaaaand, we have an ice cream churn. This is probably a bad development overall, since it takes less than an hour to make a batch of ice cream and the result is better than what we can find in the store (and gluten free). I’ll be honest here: I like Ice Cream waaaay too much, especially on a hot day but even in winter. Since we will be experimenting with recipes, I’ll be logging them here. Feel free to use, adapt, and comment.
Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
4 cups heavy whipping cream
2 cups 2% milk
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
1 cup mini bittersweet chocolate chips
Mix the first four ingredients in the ice cream maker, set up (with salted ice around the outside) and let it run. Add the chocolate chips when mostly frozen.
This came out frozen after about 45 minutes. As usual for homemade ice cream, the final product was not hard frozen, but I added chocolate chips, stirred them in, and put the whole thing in the freezer for an hour.
Possible changes for next time:
- More vanilla
- Shaved/grated chocolate instead of chips
- Dark chocolate instead of semi-sweet