Welcome to the Spring 2015 CSA! Here is what we have in the box this week:
- Green leaf lettuce (in the bucket)
- Green onions
- Green garlic: One of our favorite tastes of spring. Use it like you would green onions; it is not so pungent as mature garlic. You won’t believe the amazing flavor–and you will probably never find this in the store. Here are links to several recipes to make the most of this spring treat!
- Mustard greens: This is a wonderful spring green; we usually sauté them with just a little garlic, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Here is a recipe if you don’t feel like “winging it”.
- Red Russian kale: For both of our kales, you can’t go wrong making kale chips (warning: they are addictive.) Chips not your thing? Try kale in a frittata. Hint: the recipe doesn’t call for it, but a little green garlic would be amazing here.
- Giant green kale
- Lemon balm: What do you do with this? Well, you can take it outside (or to a pot) and bury 1/2 the stem–it should root and make more lemon balm. Otherwise, use it in iced tea, in a lemon julep (in place of mint), or in a salad (chop the leaves so they aren’t scratchy). The lemon flavor doesn’t hold up to long cooking, but the scent is amazing and a lemon balm tea is soothing.
As usual, we rinse our veggies before they come to you–but they do come right out of the garden. We don’t use herbicides or pesticides, but bugs and dirt do occasionally come along for the ride. We recommend washing your veggies before you eat