Spring 2014–Week 1! Spinach, Mustard/turnip greens, Lettuce, Green Onions, Collards, Arugula, baby beet greens.
Welcome to the Oak Hill Farm Spring 2014 CSA!
A few opening notes:
- You should wash your veggies before eating them. We rinse them lightly when they come from the garden, but there may still be soil or critters attached.
- “There are holes in the leaves!” We try to keep munching insects to a minimum, but the bugs need to eat, too! We grow without synthetic pesticides or herbicides, so some hitchhikers are to be expected.
- Check the blog each week for a list of box contents and recipe ideas.
Now, on to the contents! This week we are heavy on leafy greens:
- Green leaf lettuce: Super fresh, great for salads (of course) but try it as a wrapper for chicken lettuce wraps.
- Spinach: Popeye was right, but his was never this fresh. Everyone has their favorite way to eat spinach; this spring we are on a saag paneer kick!
- Collard greens: A favorite way to cook collards or ANY other leafy green: sautee garlic/onions in 1tbsp olive oil, add greens to wilt; once wilted, add salt/pepper and a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. Serve with hot sauce if desired.
- Turnip/mustard greens: Some boxes may include tiny turnips; we love mixed turnip/mustard greens with chopped turnips prepared as above (see collards).
- Arugula: Arugula martini. Yes–I said arugula martini.
- Baby beet greens: Just a taste, add them to a salad or other greens for color. Look for more, larger, beets (and greens) in later boxes.
- Green onions: We should have a steady supply of onions for the next few weeks.
- Mint: An extra treat (not pictured) just to make the box smell nice. If you plant it in the next day or so into damp soil in a pot, you can start your own mint garden. Also great dried, fresh, in tea, or 1000 other ways!
Look for more veggies next week!